Friday, May 25, 2012

Dear Amelia,
This is just for you.  My wonderful friend who is sure that my life is exciting and that I have things to share that people are interested in reading.  The one who goads me out of my comfort zone.  I love you.  This is for you......

Today my daughter left behind her junior high years and is getting ready to be a freshman.  My oldest is going to be a senior in high school and my youngest headed to fifth grade.  *sigh*  They are growing up and I am growing old.

First day of summer break..........and it rained.  All day.  And was chilly.
Deputy Dawg and I took 2 of 3 to town and treated them to lunch.  Girl spawn managed all A's and B's on her report card and wanted to dye her hair.  We bought hair dye.  Jr also had an outstanding report card.  We bought him a slingshot.  Oldest went to work - stinks to be grown up!

Girl - fell asleep by seven.

Jr - still outside shooting rocks at cardboard targets (it's after nine, but I don't have the heart to make him come in.)

Oldest - gone camping with his buddies, after stopping home to raid the fridge and take all the cookies and hotdog buns i have :)

It sure is lonely here......good thing I have laundy to do. 

"Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world."
  ~Ada Louise Huxtable

1 comment:

  1. Amelia is darned happy about this blog!!! I love it. I love you; even when you're testy. I love your kids; even when they're pesky. I love your husband; even when he's grouchy. And I love your life; even when it's ouchy. Thanks my dear friend. For being you. And for tolerating me!
