Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, Sunday........

Any time spent in law enforcement or in the ER of a  hospital will make you believe in the power of the full moon and teach you to fear the Sunday of a holiday weekend.  Sundays can be brutal. 

Memorial Day weekend, picturesque summer day, lazy Sunday gone wrong.

The worst thing in the wold to hear is a mother in shocked hysteria screaming into a phone that she has just watched her child die.  This was my Sunday.

Pure accident......strong wind, rotten tree and a three year old playing in the yard.  It took the ambulance personnel less than a minute to tell me they needed a coroner.  The bottom fell out of someones world and I want to throw up in my garbage can, but I can't.  I have too much to do, I need to do my job.

I want to keep my oldest home tonight instead of camping with his friends (storms are expected and a tree could fall on their tent) I want Deputy Dawg to stay home with me (his turn to go to work) I wanna cuddle my babies. 

I feel profoundly sad and worn out.  My neck and shoulders ache.  I need ice cream and sleep.

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow." 
~ Orison Marden

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