Friday, March 16, 2012

weekend blues

It's Friday night.  I am working the weekend.  Deputy Dawg is working the weekend.  I work days, he works nights.......  It has been one long week and I am missing my honey. 

I am looking forward to Monday.  We are both off, the kids are on Spring Break and we can have some good old fashioned family time. 

Good night Deputy Dawg, be safe, come home. Love you to the moon and back again.  xoxoxo


  1. I will do my best to cover his butt -_-

  2. I wonder if mrs. sheriff has forgotten where this blog is...................

  3. It's the weekend. You're working. Deputy Dawg is working. THIS, my friend, is NOT working!! Now I expect YOU to get working.....on your blog :) I love get back to work. This work, not the work work.

  4. Still here...............waiting.............*sigh* ...........I know your kids........I know your husband..........your life IS something to talk about...............*sigh*

  5. I know you said you replied to my comments but I will be darned if I see it. I think you're bluffing. WRITE!! WRITE!! WRITE!! It will make your shoulder better if you VENT!! VENT!! VENT!!
