Thursday, May 31, 2012

DIY Laundry Soap

Two adults, three kids. 

Two boys that smell like boys and do boy things (like fish and swim in ponds and mow yards and ride bikes and sweat - alot) and one girl who wears things for 15 minutes and they are dirty (and rides her bike and swims everyday and sweats like her father) = a butt-load of laundry.

I wash at least five loads of laundry a week.  Now that summer is here I am washing even more, more like eight loads a week.  The cost of a 150 oz. bottle of Tide that advertises it will wash 90 loads of laundry sells for $17.97 at Wal-Mart.  That will not even last the whole summer.  For the less money and a little time I can wash clothes all year long!

Here's what you need:
They can all be found in the laundry detergent isle of Wal-Mart.

2 bars of Fells Naptha Soap  $0.98 each
(An old fashioned washing soap)

Arm and Hammer Washing Soda  55oz box $5.95
This will be enough for 4 batches of laundry soap.
(Don't confuse this with baking soda.  They are different!)

Borax 55oz box $3.95
This will be enough for 4 batches of laundry soap.
(A natural alternative to color safe bleach for 115 years)

5-6 one quart canning jars

In a large sauce pan gently warm 6 cups of water.  Grate both bars of soap using a box grater (i used my food processor with the grating disk).  Add to warming water and stir until dissolved.

Keep this on low - don't let it boil or you will end up with soap suds everywhere! 

Once the soap is melted take your pan off the burner and stir in 2 cups of borax and 2 cups of the washing soda.  Stir until combined.  Spoon equally into 4 quart jars.  Add enough water to come up to the shoulder of the jar.  Put the lids on and let them sit overnight.

The soap will harden into what feels like cornmeal mush in the bottom of the jar and you will think that this is never going to work but.......this icky looking mess will become light whipped laundry soap concentrate in no time :)

In the bowl of a stand mixer (I use my KitchenAid) or in a large bowl with a hand mixer, pour liquid from one jar.  Take a knife and sort of slice up the soap left in the bottom and add to the bowl.  Since I am frugal, I add about a tablespoon of hot water to the jar and swish it around to get the last little bit of soap out and add it also.  It will look like this......

Starting on low and gradually increasing to medium high whip the soap until it becomes fluffy and pale yellow.  It will look like a yellow whipped cream when it is ready.

When it is the consistency of whipped cream, put it back into the jar and seal it up.  Repeat with the other 3 jars.  I usually get a yield of 5-6 quarts of soap.

*you could add some essential oil to the soap as it is whipping for added scent.  Lavender would be nice, or tea tree perhaps.  I like the bright citrus scent that this recipe has so I haven't tried adding anything yet.

It is very concentrated and I use about a tablespoon per load of laundry.  Yes, it is he washer friendly.  I use it in my front loader washing machine.  I add my soap directly to the drum and bypass the detergent drawer. 

I find about four batches a year will keep my family in clean clothes.  So....about $14.85 for a YEARS worth of laundry.  That is something that makes me happy!

And see how cute the jars look in my laundry room cupboard!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, Sunday........

Any time spent in law enforcement or in the ER of a  hospital will make you believe in the power of the full moon and teach you to fear the Sunday of a holiday weekend.  Sundays can be brutal. 

Memorial Day weekend, picturesque summer day, lazy Sunday gone wrong.

The worst thing in the wold to hear is a mother in shocked hysteria screaming into a phone that she has just watched her child die.  This was my Sunday.

Pure accident......strong wind, rotten tree and a three year old playing in the yard.  It took the ambulance personnel less than a minute to tell me they needed a coroner.  The bottom fell out of someones world and I want to throw up in my garbage can, but I can't.  I have too much to do, I need to do my job.

I want to keep my oldest home tonight instead of camping with his friends (storms are expected and a tree could fall on their tent) I want Deputy Dawg to stay home with me (his turn to go to work) I wanna cuddle my babies. 

I feel profoundly sad and worn out.  My neck and shoulders ache.  I need ice cream and sleep.

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow." 
~ Orison Marden

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dear Amelia,
This is just for you.  My wonderful friend who is sure that my life is exciting and that I have things to share that people are interested in reading.  The one who goads me out of my comfort zone.  I love you.  This is for you......

Today my daughter left behind her junior high years and is getting ready to be a freshman.  My oldest is going to be a senior in high school and my youngest headed to fifth grade.  *sigh*  They are growing up and I am growing old.

First day of summer break..........and it rained.  All day.  And was chilly.
Deputy Dawg and I took 2 of 3 to town and treated them to lunch.  Girl spawn managed all A's and B's on her report card and wanted to dye her hair.  We bought hair dye.  Jr also had an outstanding report card.  We bought him a slingshot.  Oldest went to work - stinks to be grown up!

Girl - fell asleep by seven.

Jr - still outside shooting rocks at cardboard targets (it's after nine, but I don't have the heart to make him come in.)

Oldest - gone camping with his buddies, after stopping home to raid the fridge and take all the cookies and hotdog buns i have :)

It sure is lonely here......good thing I have laundy to do. 

"Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world."
  ~Ada Louise Huxtable