Friday, March 16, 2012

weekend blues

It's Friday night.  I am working the weekend.  Deputy Dawg is working the weekend.  I work days, he works nights.......  It has been one long week and I am missing my honey. 

I am looking forward to Monday.  We are both off, the kids are on Spring Break and we can have some good old fashioned family time. 

Good night Deputy Dawg, be safe, come home. Love you to the moon and back again.  xoxoxo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

books, books and more books.......

I am a voracious reader. 


Deputy Dawg and I spend on an average $200 dollars a month on reading material.  I will stay up long past my bedtime reading.  Some nights until I fall asleep - specs perched on my nose and book (or much coveted Kindle) in my lap, faithful Friday by my side.

I don't go in much for the romance thing but I love a good schlocky detective novel.  Jonathan or Faye Kellerman.  John Sanford.  Early Patricia Cornwell.  I kinda have a crush on Dean Koontz.  But my heart belongs to Stephen King  *sigh*  - who doesn't love a good chill on a hot summer night?

Right now I am am devouring Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.  Such intricately woven stories from three character's perspectives.  I am afraid to see the movie for fear of what may be lost from the story as well as from my imagination.  This book makes me laugh out loud, cry and ponder my own thoughts on life and death.

I need to get started on a summer reading list for myself as well as the the three offspring ranging in age from 10-17.  They are all little bookworms.  It warms my heart to see them lounging on the patio or the swing or under the pear tree with a book. 

I want classics as well as popular fiction.  I am thinking Mark Twain and John Steinbeck.  Maybe some Jane Austen for the girl child or maybe To Kill a Mockingbird.......

Monday, March 12, 2012

Irish Cream Coffee Blondies

Remember yesterday and my daydream of  laying around eating brownies and drinking Irish coffee all day?  Me too!  I was thinking about it all morning yesterday.  Deputy Dawg and I went for a walk and I kept talking about it.....I'm pretty sure he was sick of Irish coffee dreams after three miles.  I'm pretty sure he is gonna eat this anyway.  Thanks, Honey, for listening to me ramble about recipes.  *mauh*

Irish Cream Coffee Blondies

8 TBSP butter, melted
1 cup brown sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla
2 TBSP espresso powder
pinch of salt
1/4 cup Irish Cream (I used Bailey's)
1 cup + 1 TBSP of flour
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
sliced toasted almonds (optional)

1-2 TBSP Irish Cream
enough powdered sugar to make a thin glaze

Grease an 8x8 baking dish.  Preheat oven to 350.  Mix together melted butter and brown sugar.  Beat until smooth.  Beat in egg, vanilla and espresso powder.  Stir in salt and flour.  Fold in white chocolate chips.  Pour batter into prepared pan.  Sprinkle with sliced almonds, if using.  Bake at 350 for 20-25 min, or until set in the middle.  Cool completely on baking rack.  Mix together Irish Cream and powdered sugar - start with 1 TBSP of liquor and very slowly add powdered sugar until you have a thin glaze - to avoid lumps in your glaze, sift your powdered sugar.  Drizzle glaze over bars.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


It is Sunday.  And it's daylight savings time.  I am way too sleepy and under coffeed (is that even a word?)  It is grey and rainy.  All of my kidlets are sleeping off the birthday goodie fueled movie marathon and Deputy Dawg, the day sleeper, is snoozing away. 

We are enjoying a rare, everyone is off weekend at home being lazy and celebrating oldest child's 17th birthday.  What I really want to do is bake a big batch of brownies and lounge all day drinking Irish Coffee and eating chocolate while watching movies and not do one single chore!