Friday, June 22, 2012


Vacation, vacation, vacation.......oh how I love you.

I did NOT want to come back.  We didn't really go anywhere.  Well, we went to Wahoo, Nebraska to visit my folks, but mostly stayed home.

We smoked a brisket.  It takes all day.  We were on the patio furniture with beer and books by 2:30 and didn't go inside until it was time to eat.

We visited a wildlife safari park by Ashland, Nebraska.  The elk wanted to go for a ride with us!

Deputy Dawg thought he was an Elk :)  LOL

We walked over the Missouri River....... (see Deputy Dawg and Jr's monster personnel carriers?)

We visited the Union Pacific #844 and the UP Museum Car......

And stayed at my Mom and Dads.......

 Breakfast is a big deal.  Grandma and a variety of aunts and uncles all appear for waffles, eggs, sausage and bacon.

My Mm always has the greatest inspiration posted everywhere in the house.  This one is on the fridge.

The front porch is the favorite hang out place ....... my friends and I used to have "porch parties" here.  We drank cheap wine and ordered pizza from the local Pizza Hut.  *Ah, good memories*

Way too soon it is time to go *sniff*  I love you Daddy.  Miss you like mad already.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


"A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short."
~Andre Maurois

This is me and Deputy Dawg about a hundred million years ago on our wedding day.  We snuck off one year to the day of our first kiss and tied the knot at the courthouse, our friend and co-worker the local magistrate married us with the police chief as witness and executive photographer.  It rained.  It was beautiful. 

Today was our anniversary and I was thinking about these memories as we sat in the cardiologist's office.  More tests for Deputy Dawg next week.  News I did not want to hear.  I was and am scared.

How long have we been married?  Not long enough is my standard answer.  And it is the truth.  We have worked together for more than twenty years, share four beautiful children and two equally beautiful grandchildren.  This is the person I want to grow old with and his face is last thing I want to see as I leave this world.  He is the bran muffin that lets me be a jelly donut.  He is my rock and makes me feel safe.  I love to fall asleep with my head on his chest letting his heart beat sing me to sleep.

Dear Deputy Dawg,
I love you to the moon and back again.  Thank you for this wonderful life and all I have learned from you. I hope to spend fifty more years holding your hand. 
Forever yours, S

"Our wedding was many years ago. The celebration continues to this day."
~Gene Perret